The Chang Yihao ENT Specialist Clinic Online Appointments 請留意!此線上預約服務僅供語言不便利的外國人。本國人與熟悉中文者,請依循一般掛號的程序,可電話掛號或現場掛號,敬請見諒。 Book an appointment online, please fill out the short contact form below. * We suggest that you could make an appointment online. It is more convenient than make a phone call. CLINIC HOURS 09:30~12:30 / 14:30~17:00 / 18:00~21:00 Saturday morning 09:00~12:00 LOCATION No. 26, Xinzhuang Street, East District, Hsinchu City, 30073 SERVICE LINE (03) 5678160 EXT 9 Tired Of Waiting In Line. would like to know the serving number now when you are not around Click here to track it online Please arrive here in good time.We recommend at least 3~5 numbers before your waiting number. download for download for